Church Sessions
Session Minutes Review Checklist
A List of Important Documents Every Church Should Have on File
Manual of Administrative Operations and Policies
Sample Congregational Manual of Administrative Operations
Creating Safe Ministries
PCUSA Sexual Misconduct Policy and Its Procedures
Sample Model Policies from the Presbytery of Coastal Carolinas
Inquirers and Candidates
The Presbyterian Church (USA) preparation for ministry process involves two phases: Inquiry and Candidacy. These two phases are designed to explore the sense of call, evaluate the gifts necessary for ministry, and support the preparation of men and women who desire to serve as ministers of the Word and Sacrament.
Commissioned Ruling Elders
Holston Presbytery offers the following Commissioned Ruling Elder training classes:
Level I
Basic Bible
Level II
Evangelism, Christian Education, Avoiding Sexual Misconduct, and Self-Care
(This course is is now offered in four separate modules as an individualized, self-paced, independent course of study.)
CRE LVL II - Christian Education
CRE LVL II - Evangelism
CRE LVL II - Avoid Sex Misconduct
CRE LVL II - Self Care
To Set One's Heart by Sara Little
Sex in the Parish by Karen Lebacqz and Ronald G. Barton
Reaching Out, by Henri Nouwen
PCUSA Sexual Misconduct Policy and Its Procedures
Mission--the Small Church Reaches Out, Anthony Pappas
Inside the Small Church, Anthony Pappas, pp. 130-154, 162-170
Cultivating Wholeness by Margaret Kornfield (pp. 236-257, 281-305)
Practical Psychology for Pastors
Counseling and Moderating the Session
Level III
Performing Marriages and Administering the Lord's Supper
Commissioned Ruling Elder training classes may also be taken online at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and Union Presbyterian Seminary.​
Pastor Nominating Committees
Pastoral Nominating Committee Steps
Revised On Calling a Pastor: A Manual for Churches Seeking Pastors (2015)
Ministry Information Forms
Personal Information Forms
Mission Study Resources
Pastoral Terms of Call Worksheet
2021 Living by the Gospel
A guide to structuring minsters’ terms of call, and includes the latest Salaries in the Parish Ministry Salary Study and other annual effective salary data (from the Board of Pensions).
Median Effective Salaries (from the Board of Pensions)
Understanding Effective Salary (from the Board of Pensions)
Effective Salary Calculator (from the Board of Pensions)
Pastor's Participation Dues Calculator (from the Board of Pensions)
Congregational Grants
5¢ a Meal Grant Applications
The Local 5¢ a Meal Grant Application
The International 5¢ a Meal Grant Application
Complete the 5¢ a Meal Acknowledgement Form here.​
Small Church Grant Application
The Small Church Ministry Grants are made possible from the restricted endowment of Virginia Williams, a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The grants are disbursed by the Mission and Evangelism Committee.
Small Church Ministry Grant Application