Below is a comprehensive list of all congregations under the Holston Presbytery.
Search alphabetically by city, then the church's name. Click on a congregation for more information.
General Mission Board Administration and Personnel Sub-Committee Committee on Ministry
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Committee on Representation and Nominations
Discipleship and Evangelism Campus Ministry Sub-Committee Mission and Outreach
Finance, Budget, and Stewardship Board of Trustees
General Mission Board
The General Mission Board serves as the governing board, overseeing the presbytery’s work and co-ordinating its mission and programs; ensuring fullest use of all resources; recommending and initiating action when needed. Composed of chairs of all presbytery committees, plus three members-at-large. Meets quarterly, prior to each stated presbytery meeting. Most recent GMB minutes.
Todd Jenkins Bill Anderson
Kaye Florence David Light
Donna Sade Rodney Norris
Maggie Rust Rick Raum
Marshall Steinle Gwen Hunter
Greg Cartwright Kathi Carey
Dave Welch Collin Adams
Rodney Norris Sam Schaus
Administration and Personnel Sub-Committee
Oversees the administrative work of the Presbytery, including personnel, office procedures and practices; also works with Presbytery staff to develop staffing plans and administrative needs.
Dave Welch
Jenny Clemmer
Jim Johnson
Committee on Ministry
The Committee on Ministry counsels, supports ministers and congregations; responsible for care, nurture of presbytery member ministers and other church professionals. Serves the Presbytery, ministers and congregations as directed in the Book of Order in matters relating to ministry in local churches; examines prospective ministers, visits sessions, works with pastor nominating committees, assists pastors in continuing education. Meets monthly, third Thursday.
Bill Anderson
Mary Jane Farmer
Allen Huff
Kaye Florence
John Grindstaff
Collin Adams
Maggie Rust
Sharon Amstutz
Rebecca Nunley
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Committee on Preparation for Ministry
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry is responsible for receiving, overseeing and nurturing those under the care of the presbytery interested in following their personal calls to the ministry as Inquirers and Candidates. Meets quarterly, prior to each General Mission Board meeting.
Robert White
Brian Alderman
Sam Schaus
Ramy Marcos
Bill Reese
Carolyn Russ
Nancy Johnson
Committee on Representation and Nominations
Ensures that presbytery leadership, including committees and boards, includes representatives from all areas and groups within the presbytery; promotes diversity and equal representation for ethnic groups, genders, ecclesial role (ministers and ruling elders); nominates a slate of officers and committee members to the presbytery each fall; fills any vacancies between stated meetings.
Matthew Clark
Bill Anderson
Pauline Douglas
Elizabeth Smith
Discipleship and Evangelism
The Discipleship and Evangelism Committee guides and directs the Presbytery in efforts such as the Presbytery's campus, youth, and young adult ministries, as well as congregational vitality efforts. This committee also works to develop new discipleship and evangelism programs such as Older Adult Ministry and Christian Education.
Greg Cartwright
Brandon Davis
Lori Fleenor
Barron Hopper
Russ Pearson
Campus Ministry Sub-Committee
Phyllis Thompson
Marianne Huff
Lori Fleenor
Brandon Davis
Mike Miyamoto
Mission and Outreach
The Mission and Outreach Committee provides support for work of churches through missions as it calls on us to do Christ’s work where we are. Challenges churches involvement in Five-Cents-a-Meal for local and international hunger needs; recommends actions to Presbytery regarding distribution of monies. Implements programs on ecumenical relations, peacemaking, justice, women’s concerns, human services, environment, health care, criminal justice, aging, energy, and other related issues. Oversees relationships with the Presbytery-related institutions. Meets quarterly, prior to each General Mission Board meeting.
Marshall Steinle
Donna Sade
Bishop Greene
Stacy Larsen
Mike Shelton
Julia Beeson
Matthew Cary
Karen Clark
Mary Ellen Elkins
Finance, Budget, and Stewardship
The Finance, Budget, and Stewardship Committee oversees the financial matters of the Presbytery. This committee works to devise and implement policies and procedures for the handing of Presbytery finances, including the handling of monies received, accounts payable, payroll, and banking relationships. It also determines available funds, makes budget decisions, and solicits funding from committees, commissions, and boards. All of these decisions are submitted to the GMB each year. This committee works with congregations by communicating congregational needs to the Presbytery, advising on matters of funding and stewardship, and providing training and counsel for grant opportunities. In cooperation with the Trustees, the Finance, Budget, and Stewardship Committee also makes recommendations on the best use and investment of funds set aside for a specific use.
Rick Raum
Ken King
Aaron Caton
David Hughes
Larry Smith
Jeanne Stokes
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees serves as the Board of Directors of Holston Presbytery, Inc. at the direction of the General Mission Board. Meets annually in September.
Dave Light
Scott Wise
Sharon Amstutz
Matthew Clark
Dan Donaldson
John Smith